Monday 24 April 2017

How Childrens Slides Can Benefit A Childs Development

"Children's slides are a vital part of a healthy lifestyle for kids, combined with other garden play area toys, they can help promote a healthy bodyweight and a strong immune system."

Us parents will appreciate having a slide at home because we can keep an eye on them while we are washing the pots and taking care of other household chores or relaxing in the garden.

A big bonus is that you will save money on fuel not having to drive the kids to the park everyday. having a children's slide at home means they can pop out in the garden for 10 minutes or a couple of hours, thus helping you and the rest of the family have more flexible time.

If your looking to buy, replace or upgrade to a new slide, choosing the right children's slides can ensure the safety, well-being and piece of mind for you and your little one(s).

There are also so many different designs and colours of slides, which can easily make your garden area look attractive and also fun!

Key Benefits Of Children's Slides

Physical health benefits - When our young ones climb up a slide and get into position and push themselves down the slide, they are developing important balance and co ordination abilities. in addition they will build spatial awareness, as they must evaluate when to slide and when to stop themselves with their feet.

Social benefitsChildren's slides are great fun so your little one with be the envy of every little'un in the cul de sac. You will start to notice they will ask to come over regularly, and then eventually all the kids will be become best pals as they play on and around the slide. This will also give you and your neighbours chance to socialize.

Mental advantagesChildren's slides help develop their minds, as they learn about the world through sensory and motor activities. Brain development in the first six years is crucial, so the more your little one gets chance to exercise their sensory and motor skills with their slide, the more brain-neural connections they make.

Immune System Benefits - a-lot of varieties of bacteria aren't harmful to people but they can help us to improve and strengthen our immune system. Studies have revealed that regular exposure to a-bit of mud, dirt, dust and other icky stuff while they are young can have a massive positive effect on their immune system

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